This is Where We Work

This is how we incorporate country and tradition into our services.

We are big on promotion and supporting GP Registrar Training

Extending Services to our remote and rural communities

Providing support for our neighbouring communities

Supporting Doctor and Nursing Training Programs

Health and Healing are interwoven

Improving access to our remote and rural communities

Recognition as an Award Winning Health Service

Quality and Accreditation


Goondir Health Services has been committed to its Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Program for over a decade now ensuring that clinical and other service activities are undertaken according to “best practice standards” and meet safety requirements. We achieve this through a team approach, “Quality is Everyone’s Business”, with the Board, Management and Employees complying with Statutory requirements, Standards and a comprehensive Quality Improvement Framework.
This commitment contributes to the longevity of the service through sound business practices and ensuring the highest quality of health care service delivery. Mindful of the cultural sensitivity of our client base and change management principles to be responsive to changing health care needs identified and administrative operations. This assures all Stakeholders that this Service is striving to operate both effectively and efficiently by maintaining a high level of commitment to compliance requirements.
Goondir was the first Aboriginal Medical Service to achieve service accreditation under the QIC Health Standards in 2002 thus becoming dual accredited. Goondir through its quality improvement journey gained Certification against the ISO9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems) Standards with the aim of improving our internal systems and performance.

How do we review and improve what we do?

Quality review activities such as audits, surveys, and reviews are scheduled and undertaken to develop, maintain, and enhance the business and clinical management aspects of our Health Service. From these, recommendations are made and discussed, relevant agreed-upon outcomes are actioned, and quality improvements are recorded so that we can reflect on and evaluate our quality journey.
Goondir has a dedicated Quality Manager who facilitates systems, initiatives and accreditation requirements through its comprehensive Quality Improvement Framework.

In summary, our accreditation journey:

ISO9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems) Standard – October 2016

ISO9001:2008 (Quality Management Systems) Standard – October 2013

St George and Dalby Clinics – AGPAL Accredited since 2000

Queensland Department of Transport Operator Accredited since 2006. Goondir employees transporting clients hold Authorised Driver Cards from the Queensland Department of Transport and driver safety training.

Dalby – GP Registrar Accredited Training post since 1999

St George – GP Registrar Accredited Training post since 2009

QIC Accredited 2002 – 2011 (lapsed to transfer and achieve ISO Certification)

Get in Contact

Goondir Health Services
Better Health, Better Living, Longer Life

If you want to get in contact with us, please use the phone numbers below for your local clinic

Dalby Clinic

4 Jimbour Street, Dalby, QLD.

Monday: 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Monday: 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Tuesday: 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Wednesday: 10:00AM - 5:00PM
Thursday: 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Friday: 8:30AM - 3:00PM

CLINIC: 07 4679 5900
ADMINISTRATION: 07 4679 5966

St George Clinic

127 Victoria Street, St George, QLD.

07 4625 5040

Oakey Clinic

Address: 110 Campbell Street, Oakey, QLD.

Phone: 07 4691 3372

Chinchilla Clinic

75 Middle Street, Chinchilla, QLD.

Phone: 07 4573 6841