This is Where We Work

This is how we incorporate country and tradition into our services.

We are big on promotion and supporting GP Registrar Training

Extending Services to our remote and rural communities

Providing support for our neighbouring communities

Supporting Doctor and Nursing Training Programs

Health and Healing are interwoven

Improving access to our remote and rural communities

Recognition as an Award Winning Health Service

Dental Health

Goondir Health Services has partnered with The University of Queensland School of Dentistry to provide a five-chair dental clinic with in-house digital x-ray equipment in Dalby, and a four-chair similarly equipped facility in St. George.  These dental facilities provide residents of Dalby and the Greater Western Downs region, and the St George district, with much needed options for their dental care.

Attending an appointment at the Dalby and St George clinics is similar to attending a private practitioner dentist, except the oral healthcare is provided by fifth year dental students under the supervision of a registered, experienced dentist.  The clinics are teaching environments and our professionals in-training may take a little longer than an experienced professional to complete a procedure, as we are focused on providing the highest standard of care to our patients.

Appointment availability and treatment are assessed on the basis of eligibility criteria outlined by the Goondir Health Services protocols.  The treatment available and delivered in these clinics, covers the majority of dental treatment provided in the general community.  

Emergency treatments are provided where possible and eligibility for treatment is assessed on the same basis as for regular treatment.  However, currently we aren’t able to offer an out of hours service.  

Members of the public interested in becoming a patient of the clinic should contact the relevant clinic reception.

Dalby (07) 4669 7378

St. George (07) 4625 5040

Don’t have any credit? Call 1800 466 637 for a free call to any one of our clinics.
Press 1 for Dalby or 3 for St George

Dental Clinic Opening Hours: 9am to 4pm daily. After-hours appointments are not available.


UQ dental clinic providing access to Indigenous community

A free dental clinic run by students is improving health outcomes for Indigenous residents of a bush community in southern Queensland.

10 Pro tips to protect your teeth - Australian Dental Association

Get in Contact

Goondir Health Services
Better Health, Better Living, Longer Life

If you want to get in contact with us, please use the phone numbers below for your local clinic

Dalby Clinic

4 Jimbour Street, Dalby, QLD.

Monday: 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Monday: 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Tuesday: 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Wednesday: 10:00AM - 5:00PM
Thursday: 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Friday: 8:30AM - 3:00PM

CLINIC: 07 4679 5900
ADMINISTRATION: 07 4679 5966

St George Clinic

127 Victoria Street, St George, QLD.

07 4625 5040

Oakey Clinic

Address: 110 Campbell Street, Oakey, QLD.

Phone: 07 4691 3372

Chinchilla Clinic

75 Middle Street, Chinchilla, QLD.

Phone: 07 4573 6841

Healthy Smiles for Bubba

Healthy Smiles for Teens

Healthy Smiles for Elders

Healthy Smiles - pregnancy